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Adult Christian Education opportunities at Great Valley Presbyterian Church aim to:

  • Empower disciples to hunger for the truth found in God’s Word and to obey its teachings.

  • Engage all people in the process of becoming more Christ-like.

  • Equip followers of Jesus to serve the Kingdom both in the church and in the community.

  • Enrich relationships within our body of Christ as we study, fellowship, and grow together.

To accomplish this goal, we provide Sunday morning classes that follow a Bible Track (touching on the whole counsel of God) and a Discipleship Track (allowing for teaching and training in application of Scripture).

Bible Track
Ephesians - Alive in Christ

January - February 2025

This class will look at Paul's prayer in 1:15-23 and then study Ephesians 2 and 3. Why must the “eyes of my heart be enlightened?” What are the consequences if this isn't happening? What do we need to know about God's power? Why does Paul stress power so much? Another question: If my unsaved loved ones are “dead in their sins,” just how dead are they? How can I influence or witness to a dead person? And what's this about God forming the church for the purpose of displaying his wisdom to spirit beings that exist in a different dimension from ours? 

It sounds like we are playing a role in a story that's way bigger than our earthly reality! As believers, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Our minds are renewed through the study of God's Word. You are welcome to join us as we look deeper into Paul's letter to the Christians at Ephesus. 

GVPC Adult Ed Jan 2025 Scott 10x3.4.jpg

Discipleship Track
Gods of Money and Technology

January - February 2025

In this class, we’ll examine two important topics that often become our idols: money and technology. We’ll consider how these relate to various aspects of our lives, from relationships to entertainment to addictions. We’ll ponder questions related to justice, financial well-being, and our walk with God. As we pay attention to some relevant biblical passages, we’ll challenge ourselves to recognize how, when, and why the goods of money and technology turn into our gods. The class will include team teaching, small group facilitated discussion, and some “expert” interviews.

GVPC Adult Ed Jan 2025 Fink Reader Haney 10x3.4.jpg
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