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Kimberly Vessey Gladney

Director of Operations for Graduate and Faculty Ministries

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

" Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." - Psalm 34:8

Graduate and Faculty Ministries (GFM) is a strategic ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. It exists to encourage and equip graduate students and faculty to follow Jesus Christ as they seek to be a redeeming influence among the people, ideas and structures of the university and their professions. Members of the faculty and graduate students wield great influence on undergrads, and GFM can support those who wish to make a positive impact on students with whom they interact. Kim works directly with operations staff to delegate responsibility, provide training, and encourage collaboration opportunities. She also uses her experience with Greek InterVarsity to facilitate the staff training events and conferences, and serves as part of the GFM Leadership Team.

Kimberly Vessey Gladney
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