Welcome to Worship
Our vision today is the same as it was in 1710 – to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus! This is the start of a new journey, to continue the work of Jesus here at Great Valley. Like many generations before us who sought to better this facility for future generations, it’s now our turn to step forward and do likewise.
It is our desire to better shape a place and a setting where we can welcome people who will walk through these doors in the days, the years, and the decades that lie ahead.
We have much to be thankful for in 2020. In the past year we have seen a significant spike in visitors who have joined us in worship and a newfound vitality in our preschool ministry. Even a casual observer could see that this is a praying fellowship of believers rich in relationships of significance. Even as we feel the pain and frustration from living in this fallen world, we treasure the knowledge that our Lord is with us and indeed for us.
As we look ahead, we naturally think about how the sanctuary and Dickerson Hall can be a welcoming place for all. We long for our sanctuary to reflect more clearly how central we believe worship to be. At the same time, we desire to take away natural distractions to worship and very real barriers to easy entrance into our place of worship.
While we believe most of you agree with this vision of a welcoming church, the reality is that this requires additional work to our beloved sanctuary. The plan put forth by the Trustees and the Session will provide a much-needed refresh and allow Keith to be quite literally closer to you. At the same time, this plan addresses significant barriers for those with physical limitations and common distractions from worship. The plan includes adding air conditioning to the sanctuary, adding double doors into Dickerson Hall, removing the half-step down into that space, and providing a ramp to the outside entrance.
We believe that we stand at the beginning of an exciting journey led by our Lord Jesus. We are thankful that we are in it together with you.