Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
Matthew 6:9-13
Location: This year we return to the beautiful Traber Center facilities at Camp Sankanac in Spring City, PA. The Traber Center is located near the intersection of Routes 100 & 23 and the address is 10 Traber Lane, Spring City, PA 19475.
Timing: Our retreat begins at 9:00 am. Registration will be open at 8:30 am. We will wrap up by 7:00 pm after dinner. The day includes an early lunch/brunch, dinner, three speaker sessions, small group time, fellowship and some optional outdoor exploration if we have nice weather.
Cost: $85 (which includes discounted Sermon on the Mount workbook authored by the speaker to be used as a reference during the retreat and as a springboard for a Summer Bible Study being planned). Full payment is due when you register (non-refundable). Pay online or leave a check made out to GVPC with "Women’s Retreat" in the memo line in the offering plate at church. Financial assistance is available; contact the church office if needed.
Registration: GVPC Website; click the register now button above. Deadline to sign up is April 30. You will receive a confirmation email with directions and other pertinent information by Wednesday, May 8th.
What to bring: a Bible, a pen, sweater or jacket, a door prize (small gift for exchanging, if you wish) and wear comfortable, casual clothing for the day. There is an optional walk in the afternoon if weather permits.
Questions: Contact the church office at office@gvpres.org or 610-644-1995.
Our Speaker: Holly Lazzaro
Our speaker this year is Holly Lazzaro, host of Study with Friends which airs weekly on radio, YouTube, and all podcast providers. As the host, Holly has spent over 15 years helping women understand how to apply biblical principles in everyday life. Holly's formal training is from Knox Seminary, and she has authored two books, Searching for God and The Sermon on the Mount. Holly is passionate about discipleship and equipping the people of God to live grace-filled lives.